Blogs & Opinions

Deforestation in Post-Conflict Colombia

Juan Vargas

Economists on Peace contributor, Juan Vargas, on the surprising environmental outcomes that followed the FARC peace agreement.

Sometimes the Label of "Conflict Minerals" Simply Shouldn't Apply

International Council on Mining and Metals

The mining and metals sector attracts a great deal of attention from policy makers, think tanks, academics, non-governmental organisations and organisations such as ICMM. So…

Kirkuk and the Kurdish Referendum

Yasar Yakis

After the announcement of the date for Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence referendum, the debate has shifted to the provinces it will cover. Kurds claim Kirkuk is…

Climate, Conflict, and Refugees: Examining the Impact of Environmental Change on Human Security

Arundhati Ponnapa

“There’s a long list of crises that can have a natural resource base,” said Anne C. Richard, former assistant secretary of state for population, refugees,…

New Amnesty Report Provides Insights into the Diamond Trade in Central African Republic

Kasper Agger

The Central African Republic (CAR) has been rocked by renewed violence this week with 36 people killed and 42,575 displaced persons over the last few days. A new report from…