Transitional Justice

The Transitional Justice Interest Group (TJ-IG) is a platform that assembles diverse professionals around the pillars of truth telling, justice, reparations, guarantees of non-recurrence, memory, and memorialization within transitional justice practice. In alignment with the Association's purpose, the Transitional Justice Interest Group is multidisciplinary and nonpolitical in nature. Its operations encompass policy analysis, educational, and scientific goals as defined in the mission, purpose, and actions of the Association. Additionally, the Transitional Justice Interest Group aims to bridge the disconnect between environmental and ecological issues in the transitional justice field and mobilize practitioners to support these efforts. The Interest Group aims to facilitate exchanges of information and dialogue; stimulate research and awareness; and promote capacity building on matters of the environment, ecosystems, and biodiversity in transitional justice. The Interest Group envisions that transitional justice practice, processes, and institutions will progressively, through continuous evidence-based research, consider and incorporate the thematic area of the environment, ecosystems, and their biodiversity within the larger transitional justice framework, planning, and implementation processes.

The Interest Group is open to all Association members. The Chair of the Transitional Justice Interest Group is Munini Mutuku.