
The Mission of the Education Interest Group of the Environmental Peacebuilding Association® is to provide resources for educators, practitioners, and students to advance their knowledge and knowledge-based practice in environmental peacebuilding. Environmental peacebuilding education includes one or more of the following:

  1. Study of conflict about the environment and how it can benefit from different peacebuilding methodologies
  2. Use of environmental education as a context/scenario/building block for bringing parties in conflict together to help build peace
  3. Education about the environment in order to have peace with the environment, others, and yourself (sustainability, experiential learning, and health-wise)

Environmental peacebuilding education occurs in a wide range of domains, ranging from formal (universities, primary and secondary education), informal (popular and community-based education, citizen education, socio-communitary mediation), professional (institutions), and practitioners. Environmental peacebuilding education is a multidisciplinary field and draws from geography, energy and environmental policy, political science, international relations, anthropology, comparative public administration, security studies, and more.  The Interest Group aims to define the “What, Where, Who, and How” of this education and to provide resources to support these studies and endeavors. Our main interest in this highly interdisciplinary, emerging field is to highlight different approaches, tools, methodologies, and practices that exist and are needed. This approach will give us the possibility to discover synergies and potential bridges between the areas for new applications.

The Chairs of the Education Interest Group are Nancy Boyer and Diego Osorio.