Livelihoods and Economic Recovery in Crisis Situations
Publisher: UNDP
Date: 2013
Topics: Economic Recovery, Livelihoods
Disasters and violent conflicts continue to claim lives and destroy livelihoods of far too many people around the world and undermine development achievements. This can both heighten social and economic insecurity, and endanger those already vulnerable in societies, including women and young people. When crises occur, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is at the ready to help communities rebuild their livelihoods. This focus on the restoration of economic strength in the aftermath of a conflict or disaster fosters longterm peace and stability, creates resilience to future crises and sets in motion an equitable and sustainable process of development.
This “Guide” to Livelihoods and economic recovery programming in crisis and post-crisis countries is the first compilation of such expertise of UNDP and the United Nations system in this important field. It is intended for practicioners, both UNDP staff and others, who design programmes that focus on livelihoods, employment and economic recovery specific settings affected by conflict or disasters.