Conflict Management over Natural Resources: Capacity Building Programme Under the Community-based Rural Development Project
Publisher: FAO
Date: 2006
Topics: Livelihoods
The purpose of this training manual is to provide a capacity building framework and tools to support the technical and operational implementation of the conflict management training component integral to the Capacity Building and Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Components of the World Bank-financed Community Based Rural Development Project (CBRDP). The initial outline for this training component was completed during a FAO mission in February 2005 based on a conflict management training package developed and tested in Ghana under the Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) sub-programme 3.4 "Natural Resource Conflict Management." The training manual was designed and finalized during an FAO-World Bank cooperative agreement technical assignment in July 2006, led by Pamela Pozarny (Rural Development Officer, FAO Regional Office for Africa) with Bizoola Gandaa and Conrad Weobong, both from the University of Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana.