Practice Note: Conflict-Sensitive Responses to Climate Change in South Asia
Publisher: International Alert
Author(s): Janani Vivekananda
Date: 2011
Topics: Climate Change, Governance, Programming
“This note explains the importance of using a conflict-sensitive approach to respond to climate change in conflict- prone or conflict-affected contexts. It offers guidelines and emerging principles on how climate change and development policymakers and practitioners can promote peace-positive climate change adaptation actions which can yield the double dividend of building resilience to climate change and conflict. Conflict-sensitivity in this context denotes the consideration by policymakers and practitioners of the range of issues that may have fuelled or triggered violence, or may do so in the future. Issues of water, land, energy and food security are highly affected by climate change and variability. At the same time, inappropriate governance and management of these issues lie at the root of violent conflict in many developing countries. Actions in these areas need to be approached in a comprehensive way that maximises the productive capacity of local communities, while also minimising the risk of instability and conflict. Incorporating a conflict-sensitive approach when planning and implementing climate change adaptation actions is thus crucial in order to promote increased socio-economic development, food security, equity and better resource governance as well as to promote peace and stability.”