Climate Change Adaptation and Peacebuilding Workshop Report: Developing Conflict-Sensitivity Guidelines for Adaptation Policy in Africa

Publisher: Institute for Security Studies

Author(s): Debay Tadesse, Aly Lyon

Date: 2013

Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Prevention, Programming

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“From 14 to 16 October 2013, the Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis division of ISS, Addis Ababa office, the Wilson Center, IRG/Engility, and ICF International convened a three-day follow-on workshop titled ‘Developing conflict- sensitivity guidelines for adaptation policy in Africa’. The workshop was held in Addis Ababa and created a platform for African and Western scholars to debate and examine the triumphs and downsides of climate change-coping strategies on the continent. An ethos of learning and mutual enlightenment among scholars was promoted
as a continuation of the effort from the first workshop. Whereas the first workshop attempted to explore a number of issues on the impact of climate change in Africa, including the challenge of raising awareness and building
a new community of practice at the nexus of climate change, conflict, and development, this second workshop reconvened the core group of experts to deepen and broaden the community of practice. It sought to identify guiding principles to support conflict-sensitive climate change adaptation efforts. Additionally, the workshop was designed to identify specific entry points of opportunity and practical ways for incorporating conflict-sensitivity
in adaptation planning and policy responses from key institutions and policymakers, which will serve to promote peacebuilding and climate-resilient development across a range of sectors and institutions within Africa and abroad.”