How to Guide to Conflict Sensitivity
Publisher: Conflict Sensitivity Consortium
Date: 2012
Topics: Conflict Prevention
Countries: Kenya, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka
This increased recognition of the importance of conflict sensitivity led to the formation of the Conflict Sensitivity Consortium in 2008, which brought together a broad Spectrum of development, humanitarian, multi-mandate and peacebuilding organisations. The consortium comprises 35 humanitarian, development, peacebuilding, and multi-mandate NGOs operating in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka and the UK, who all share a commitment to being more conflict sensitive. With support from a four-year project funded by the UK Department for International Development – ‘Conflict Sensitivity – from concept to impact’ – the consortium has focused upon enhancing the impact of development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding programming through increased and more effective integration of conflict sensitivity. Prioritised outcomes included:
1) Developing a shared understanding of conflict sensitivity across a network of international and local development, humanitarian and peacebuilding organisations
2) Drawing out lessons and recommendations for integrating effective conflict sensitivity across a range of contexts and sectors.
3) Strengthening expertise and capacity amongst member organizations and civil society partners to institutionalise and implement conflict sensitivity at headquarters and local levels.