Natural Resource Governance Training Manual
Publisher: Patti Moore, Xuemei Zhang, Ronnakorn Triraganon (IUCN, RECOFTC and SNV)
Date: 2011
Natural resource governance, especially in the forest sector, has long been largely centralized and top-down, focusing primarily on conservation goals. The actual and potential role of rural resource users in governance has received relatively little recognition or support, despite the profound knowledge they have demonstrated in making and implementing decisions about natural resources for millennia.IUCN, RECOFTC, and SNV combined resources to develop this Trainers’ Manual. After six years of preparation and testing, we are confident this Manual offers sound theory and good practical guidance for teaching and learning about natural resource governance. We hope that those who teach and those who learn from it will each contribute to strengthening natural resource governance in their own spheres of influence and that their efforts contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger and ensuring environmental sustainability.