Sudan: Environmental Streaming Consultant
Feb 19, 2018
UN Environment
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The United Nations Environment is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus, by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UN Environment's, Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of environmental policy and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This post is located in the Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch (PCDMB) of the Ecosystems Division.
The Environmental Mainstreaming consultant will be responsible for the delivery of:
- Environmental mainstreaming framework designed and operationalized;
- Dialogue established and maintained with the humanitarian and development partners;
- Capacity building plan and products developed;
- Plan developed to monitor impact of environmental mainstreaming;
- Quarterly progress reports.
Specific tasks and responsibilities
The main duties and responsibilities of this position are as follows:
- Make an inventory of most important humanitarian and development operators in Sudan, as well as their main donors;
- Conduct a baseline survey amongst the main players on their present environmental impact and on their capacity to integrate environment management and climate change in their projects and programmes, as well as their needs;
- Document best practices of environmental management for replication;
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the Environment Marker and if opportune, propose modifications or develop and introduce appropriate screening tool(s);
- Establish and maintain an environmental dialogue with humanitarian and development partners;
- Develop an environmental mainstreaming toolkit;
- Develop, test and implement training activities and materials targeting partners’ plans and programmes;
- Design a monitoring plan to assess the impact of environment and climate mainstreaming in partners’ plans and programmes;
- Support the UN Environment Sudan Programme Coordinator with pipeline development;
- Any other activities as requested by the UN Environment Sudan Programme Coordinator.