Over 2300 Registered for MOOC on Environmental Security & Sustaining Peace so Far!

Nov 21, 2017
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Since launching the trailer and official registration on the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict (November 6), over 2300 people around the world have signed up for our MOOC on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace.

Based on two decades of experience, UN Environment, the Environmental Law Institute, Columbia University, Duke University, and the University of California-Irvine have developed a MOOC on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace. Offered on the SDG Academy platform, the Course synthesizes 100,000 pages of material and 225 case studies from over 60 post-conflict countries into seven hours of film.

The course addresses three key issues: (1) how natural resources and the environment contribute to or amplify armed conflict and violence; (2) how natural resources and the environment are impacted by war and armed conflict; and(3) how natural resources and the environment can support post-conflict peacebuilding and reconstruction. Our MOOC is geared toward technical experts, field practitioners, and advanced university students.

The eight-week MOOC starts on 1 March 2018! The course is designed for peace and security specialists, natural resource experts, sustainable development practitioners, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Join us to learn how we can make natural resources a source of cooperation, rather than conflict.

You can enroll for the MOOC here: https://courses.sdgacademy.org/learn/environmental-security-and-sustaining-peace-march-2018

View the 2-minute course trailer here: https://youtu.be/pqsLlzz9l28

For more information, please visit:  www.epmooc.org.