Somalia: Environmental Governance
Jun 25, 2017
CTG Global
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CTG supports and manages humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world. With past performance in 15 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia and Central and South America – we offer a holistic fabric of project management, implementation and support. Skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, we have the ability to act quickly (crisis response teams can be on the ground in 24 hours) and to establish structured operations in high-risk environments. CTG recruit and manage qualified, skilled teams with extensive experience operating in challenging conditions.
Overview of position
As part of the overall framework of UNDP Country Programme for Somalia, UNDP-Somalia under its programme Poverty Reduction and Environmental Protection (PREP) has been supporting the National/Regional Governments in Somalia to benefit from multilateral funds that are available to support countries in tackling environmental challenges. To this end, UNDP supported the Federal Government of Somalia in carrying out a National Adaptation Plan of Action which led to the prioritization of key climate adaptation measures. Further to the NAPA, UNDP helped develop and secure an USD 8 million project from the Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF) aimed at Enhancing Climate Resilience of the Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems in Somalia. UNDP is also implementing National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environmental Management, Initial Communication to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), National Action Plan to Combat Desertification and Programme for Sustainable Production of Charcoal and Alternative Livelihoods (PROSCAL) as part of the overall environment and climate change portfolio.
The National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environment Management Project will analyze Somalia’s capacity strengths, constraints and needs, and recommend capacity development actions to address them. The focus is on a country’s capacity requirements to implement the three “Rio Conventions” – biodiversity (CBD), land degradation (CCD), and climate change (FCCC) – and other relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). In addition, the NCSA process aims to identify cross-cutting capacity issues and foster synergies among these three Rio-Conventions as well as other relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) that Somalia is party to. As the NCSA is a country-driven consultative process, all the key stakeholders will be constantly involved in the process and produce outcomes.
In the process of involvement of key stakeholders, three Thematic Working Groups on Climate Change, Biological Diversity and Desertification with representation from concerned key institutions are formed to produce the outputs. The thematic groups will produce two initial documents- the Stocktaking Report, and Thematic Profiles. The stocktaking report will provide the situation analysis on local or national work related to the three Rio-Conventions and on past capacity development efforts, details on past capacity assessments, and details on convention requirements for Somalia and convention provisions from which the country can benefits. While the thematic profiles are expected to provide analysis of the country’s obligations and opportunities from Rio Conventions and the country’s performance and achievements to date (a succinct picture of “where we are now”, including strengths and constraints in implementing the conventions, as well as priority capacity needs) and a preliminary lists of emerging cross-cutting needs that can be further analyzed for possible capacity development actions to be investigated for the Action Plan.
With these outcomes, a common working group will be formed from among the three working groups to look in to the cross-cutting and synergy issues, and prepare the NCSA report and national action programme. In order to support and facilitate the work of Common Working Group on Cross-Cutting Analysis, Action Programme Development and follow-up project development, an international consultant will be hired and this Terms of Reference is prepared for this purpose. The international consultant will also be supported by national team.
Role objectives
The overall purpose of the assignment is to work on development and preparation of a Medium-Size Project document for submission to GEF Secretariat. The principal responsibility for managing the local consultant will lie with Team Leader of the Sustainable Livelihoods Unit; The Environment Advisor of UNDP Somalia and the Senior Technical Advisor at the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub.
Expected output
The National Consultant (NC) will support the Team Leader in drafting Environmental Governance – Cross Cutting Capacity Development plan document. The policy will include but not be limited to sections on situation analysis, climate impacts, vulnerability assessment, vision and principles underpinning the policy, adaptation interventions, institutional framework, cross-cutting themes, implementation framework, financing plan, and monitoring plan. Specific tasks as grouped under components would include:
Under the guidance of International Consultant:
- Develop detailed activity plan to complete the project document as per the GEF requirements
- Assist in the identification of key stakeholders at national and sub-national levels
- Set-up consultative groups with the approval of GEF Operational Focal Point. Identify lead institution and members for each group
- Engage key stakeholders for the achievement of tasks under all three components of PPG phase
- Collect data from the national and sub-national policies and plans. Carry out preliminary analysis of data collected to identify gaps and complementarities across sectors or thematic areas
- Assist in the drafting of project document.
- Support donors engagement and for detailed co-financing analysis
- Assist in responding to the comments during the validation and appraisal of project documents
Project Reporting
The assignment will be monitored and facilitated by the Project Manager-Environment and Energy. The quality of the deliverables mentioned in the next section will be jointly assessed by the Project Manager, Environmental Affairs Minister office of Prime Minister, Team Leader and UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor for the Arab States Region. The consultancy fees would be released upon the certification of Project Manager. The payment schedule would be as follows:
Key competencies
Education: The National Consultant should have post graduate degree in environment, climate change, natural resources management (land, water, forestry, biodiversity etc.), social sciences, rural development, economic development or engineering.
Experience and Skills:
The National Consultant will be responsible to assist the Team Leader in planning and completing the tasks leading to the final endorsement of the Environmental Governance –Cross Cutting Capacity Development draft by GEF/LDCF. The National Consultant will need to have following expertise:
- Expertise in analyzing national plans, policies and building cross-sectoral linkages for undertaking the task mentioned in the scope of work;
- Specialization in analyzing national plans, policies and build cross-sectoral linkages for undertaking the task mentioned in the scope of work .
- The National Consultant should have good communications and presentation skills as well as an excellent English language communication skills (written and spoken) as well as computer literacy.
- Ability to analyse the root causes of the issues and come up with an implementable set of interventions in the context of climate change impacts in Somalia;
- Past experience of working with multi-sectoral teams;
- Sensitivity towards the opinions of the stakeholders/team members, gender mainstreaming, possible institutional partners and Somali communities;
- Strong presentation, analytical writing and time management skills;
- Experience of effective interaction with policy makers, UN agencies, donors, communities, civil society organisations, private sector etc.; and,
- Experience of formulating and analyzing multi-dimensional projects in line with UNDP/GEF/LDCF procedures:
- Ability to communicate in Somali will be of added advantage.