Call for Nominations/Expressions of Interest for Chair(s) of the Theme on Environmental Peacebuilding, Security and Conflict Resolution
Mar 22, 2017
IUCN Commission on Environment, Economics, and Social Policy
The Chair of CEESP seeks nominations/expressions of interest for the position of Chair(s) on the Theme on Environmental Peacebuilding, Security and Conflict Resolution, if two chairs (or young professional deputy) they should come from two different geographic regions. Candidates for the Chair(s) should preferably be familiar with both CEESP and be committed to working cross-sectorally across different disciplines.
Nominations should be submitted to Iben Munck at and should include a cover letter and a curriculum vitae. Self-nominations, and nominations of other people are both permitted, but nominations of others should include a statement as to if the person in question has agreed to serve if appointed. The intention is to appoint the chair as soon as possible.
The Theme on Environmental Peacebuilding, Security and Conflict Resolution focuses the integration of natural resource management in conflict prevention, mitigation, resolution, and recovery to build resilience in communities affected by conflict. The Theme is constituted on the understanding that building more effective environmental governance and policy can reduce conflict and ensure security from local to global levels. At the same time reducing conflict and conflict potential and strengthening security underpins environmental sustainability.
The terms of reference of the Chair/Co-Chairs are:
- To provide overall strategic leadership of the on Environmental Peacebuilding, Security, and Conflict Resolution (EPSCR), and to develop and expand the SG so that it can deliver outcomes, social and policy influence;
- To develop a work programme for the EPSCR in collaboration with the Chairs of CEESP and associated specialist groups, with relevant Secretariat Programmes (both regional and thematic), the Director General’s Office, the Senior Social Policy Advisor, IUCN member organisations, Regional Offices and other Commissions where appropriate;
- To ensure close integration with the work of relevant CEESP Themes and Specialist Groups;
- To raise funds for the work of the EPSCR in collaboration with relevant IUCN Secretariat Programmes (both regional and thematic);
- To represent CEESP when agreed in the wider IUCN, at key meetings, and to promote the issues of EPSCR both within and beyond IUCN;
- To provide regular reports on the work of the EPSCR to the Chair of CEESP;
- To provide annual reporting to IUCN Secretariat on the implementation of ResolutionWCC-2016-Res-068
- To provide technical information for IUCN and/or CEESP contributions to international conventions (e.g. World Heritage, UNCBD, UNCCD, UNFCCC, etc.)
- To recommend to the Chair of CEESP on longer term options for collaboration across IUCN Commissions and with faith-based organisations and initiatives
While developing the full work programme of EPSCR, it will be the responsibility of the appointed Chair(s), to carry out the following tasks:
- Contributing to knowledge and understanding of environmental policies and action that reduces conflict and improves security
- Prevention, management and resolution of social conflict as a key requirement for conservation and management of ecosystems
- support the establishment of inclusive multi-stakeholder platforms, including experts in conflict management and mitigation, bringing together scientific and local
- engagement with the Whakatane Mechanism
- engagement with of ResolutionWCC-2016-Res-068
EPSCR activities should ultimately contribute to supporting the CEESP Mandate and contribute to the implementation CEESP Strategic Plan for 2016-2020.
All appointments as CEESP Thematic Chairs, Regional Vice Chairs, Specialist Group Chairs and Taskforce leads are subject the BYLAWS of the IUCN Commission on Environment, Economic and Social Policy.