Lessons Learned Webinar: Suppliers Using SEC Conflict Minerals Reporting to Gain Market Share

May 5, 2014 | SBWire, Green Status Pro
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Woburn, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/05/2014 -- Green Status Pro sponsored a unique peer-to-peer webinar, May 31 Deadline: Conflict Minerals Lessons Learned, on May 1,2014. Leading practitioners described the challenges they faced implementing the SEC’s Conflict Minerals Reporting requirement in their companies; their solutions; and the improvements they will make in their programs during 2014.

The panel described that their greatest challenge was to meet their customers’ conflict minerals reporting requirement by providing accurate information on demand. The major problem they faced since the inception of their conflict minerals programs was inaccurate information from their suppliers. This increases both the cost and risk of doing business with suppliers whose conflict minerals reporting processes do not meet the requirements and objectives of Dodd- Frank Section 1502.