Remote: Consultant - Refine & Implement Framing and Sensemaking Consultancy for Graduating to Sustainable Agriculture, Income, Nutrition, and Food Security
May 26, 2024
Mercy Corps
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Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world. Mercy Corps partners to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.
Mercy Corps has been operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since August 2007, with a staff of around 400 people working in Eastern DRC, with the overall country goal being to support vulnerable communities through crises while fostering programs that build resilience and promote long-term change. Mercy Corps' national office is in Goma, with sub-field offices in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri. Mercy Corps DRC's key programming areas include a combination of longer-term development and immediate humanitarian response programs to 1) Improve water service delivery and ensure equitable access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services, in urban and rural areas; 2) Improve food security and nutrition; 3) Promote diversified livelihoods, economic recovery and development; 4) Support peacebuilding and local governance. Mercy Corps DRC's humanitarian programs aim specifically to assist populations affected by the conflict and crisis in Eastern Congo.
In September of 2023, Mercy Corps signed an agreement with the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA-USAID) to implement the Graduating to sustainable Agriculture, Income, Nutrition, and food Security (GAINS) Program. GAINS is a five-year, USD 105.7 million Resilient Food Security Activity (RFSA) to sustainably improve Food, Nutrition, and Economic Security (FNES) in Kasai through two Purposes and five Sub-Purposes.
- Purpose 1: Strengthened Livelihoods and Increased Incomes
SP1.1: Improved usage of credit and capital
SP1.2: Increased profitable, diverse enterprises and IGAs
SP1.3: Increased sustainable agricultural production
- Purpose 2: Improved utilization of quality food among vulnerable people
SP2.1: Improved maternal, infant, and young child nutrition behaviors (MIYCN)
SP2.2: Improved WASH behaviors
The GAINS theory of change emphasizes pathways for building resilience, including increasing access and use of resilience capacities to address climate and conflict shocks and stresses for improved food, nutrition and economic security.
The Mercy Corps-led GAINS consortium includes four international (World Vision, AVSI, and IITA/CIP) and five local (Action Paysanne, APC, Inter-Actions, SDC, SANRU) organizations. The design of GAINS is guided by four foundational principles: locally-led and people-centered, sensitivity to power and conflict dynamics, and landscape vision for climate adaptation at scale. GAINS will be implemented through a multi-sectoral, climate and conflict sensitive and gender transformative approach to support food, nutrition and economic security. Specific attention will be paid to resilience, social inclusion and power dynamics considerations across the program’s various sectors of intervention.
Objectives of the Consultancy
GAINS is conducting six formative research studies as part of the Refine & Implement (R&I) period during the first 12 months of the program. These studies are exploring the complexity around market, labor, and seeds systems, GYSI, nutrition and WASH behaviors and how they are impacted by climate and conflict shocks and stresses in the Kasai. See below for a list of the formative research studies that are being conducted.
- GYSI Analysis (formal study)
- Behavior Barrier Analysis & Sanitation Marketing Options (combined assessment based on a roadmap)
- Youth-led Systems Labor Market Assessment (formal study)
- Seeds Security System Assessment (formal study)
- Systems Network and Stakeholder Assessment
- CATALYSE - community mobilization and consultations
GAINS would like to use a common framework to analyze the findings from these studies (i.e., joint analysis framework) and apply the analysis to refine its existing Theory of Change, interventions, strategies and approaches. To do this, GAINS is seeking to recruit a consultant to design a joint analysis framework and methodology and apply it to the formative research studies with the GAINS team to recommend adaptations to the GAINS Theory of Change and design.
Specific Objectives and Deliverables of the Consultancy: Visit the original posting for full details.
Timeframe / Schedule
The proposed activities and schedule for the consultancy are summarized in the table below. The number of days required for each activity is a best-guess estimate based on past consulting experience. The consultant will charge Mercy Corps for the days used, not the estimated level of effort. Should the work require more time than the estimate, the consultant will agree on priorities and confirm changes to the consultancy workplan in writing before exceeding the agreed-upon estimate. The anticipated completion dates are based on a consultancy agreement starting on June 15, 2024 and ending on September 30, 2024. The total estimated LOE is 30 days.
Mercy Corps Responsibilities
Mercy Corps will provide the Consultant with the necessary support to undertake and implement the assignment and execute the objective of this SoW. Such responsibilities include:
- Provide relevant documents and technical support to the Consultant.
- Orient the consultant on any relevant program and institutional information.
- Support the desk review process with the consultant by providing documents (if necessary) and feedback.
- Provide backstopping service in study design, data analysis, and report finalization process.
- Monitor regularly, provide feedback, and ensure the effectiveness of the study.
- Disburse payment as per the agreed schedule in the Consulting Contract.
- Provide details on the primary audience for the report brief and will advise on how to tailor the report for the audience.
Skills and Knowledge Requirements
- Have a minimum of five to seven years of experience in program’s assessments & research design and implementation.
- Master degree or equivalent required in Development Studies, Sociology, Agriculture or a related field.
- Specific experience and expertise in data analysis and recommendations for program interventions; ideally within a USAID/BHA-funded Resilient Food Security Activity (RFSA).
- Extensive research skills and capacity-sharing experience.
- Experience in participatory approaches and in processing and analyzing qualitative data.
- Ability to work effectively and collaboratively under tight deadlines.
- Knowledge of resilience approaches is preferred.
- Fluent in spoken and written English and French.
- Qualitative analytical skills and knowledge of qualitative analysis software such as MAXQDA or NViVo.
The consultant will report to:
The consultant will report to the Senior Learning Advisor.
The Consultant will work closely with:
The Chief of Party and Deputy Chief of Party, and other members of the GAINS Program Management team, including the Sr Global Resilience Advisor, GAINS GYSI Lead, Purpose 1 and Purpose 2, and M&E Lead, and other relevant staff across the consortium.
How to apply
To apply for this opportunity, the consultant should provide the following documents:
- CV
- A cover letter describing their relevant experience, and a proposed daily rate.
- 1-2 short writing samples.