Seeking Active Members for the Newly Re-Launched Gender Interest Group

Nov 1, 2020 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association

The Environmental Peacebuilding Association is excited to announce the re-launching of the Gender Interest Group, with Dr. Marisa O. Ensor as Chair!  While the precise scope of activities will be jointly decided by the chair and members, the Gender Interest Group is expected to provide a venue for sharing knowledge and expertise and offer networking and mentoring opportunities related to the nexus between gender dynamics and environmental peacebuilding.

Several events are being planned as part of the Road to Geneva leading up to the Second International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding, which will be held in Geneva in February 2022. Other activities of the Gender Interest Group may include organizing panels, webinars, and other events; participating in events organized by other organizations; co-authoring technical, policy and white papers and other publications; creating and maintaining a database of experts that can be contacted for information by individuals and groups outside the Association; and generally promoting collaborative learning and understanding of the gender dimensions of environmental peacebuilding.

If you are interested in joining the Gender Interest Group, please contact