Central Africa: Consultancy, Environmental & Social Safeguards

Nov 1, 2020 | World Wide Fund for Nature
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The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment.

The project focuses on two landscapes that, although covering two separate countries, are geographically adjacent and where WWF has been operating for several years. The two landscapes are Lobéké (Cameroon) and Dzanga Sangha (Central African Republic).

The consultancy will look at the two landscapes separately and tasks 2-5 briefly described below (and further detailed in the TOR) will be done separately for the two sites.

Objective of The Assignment

Overall, the WWF landscape interventions are expected to yield positive environmental and social benefits. However, the implementation of some landscape activities may result in adverse impacts on the environment and the communities.

In order to align the interventions within the landscapes with the WWF Social and Environmental Safeguards Framework (ESSF) and ensure that any negative environmental and social risks and related impacts potentially stemming from the Project are minimized and mitigated as much as feasible, while striving to enhance benefits for local communities and the environment, the objective of the Assignment is the preparation of both an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for each landscape.

It is expected that the assignment will be focused on reviewing all WWF interventions and activities and not specific projects within the landscape.

Scope of Work

The ToR aims to outline the tasks in as much detail as possible. Nevertheless, the Consultant shall critically verify the scope of services indicated and may extend, reduce or amend those services wherever such is deemed necessary according to his/her own professional judgement and knowledge. Any suggested amendments to the ToR should be clearly documented within the Consultant’s submission, including accompanying justification for the proposed amendments, and must be approved by the contracting party at WWF.


It is recognized that the current COVID-19 pandemic limits the ability to undertake any field-based tasks until travel/health restrictions are lifted or other permissions secured. The Consultant and WWF will regularly review the COVID-19 situation and will jointly agree when it is safe for any field-based work to take place.  This decision will be based on adequate assurance that the risk of COVID-19 transmission has been minimized for any communities or other stakeholders, the Consultant team and WWF staff. 

Since Task 1 is heavily desk-based, it can be started immediately. It is also expected that preparatory work for Task 2 could be carried out remotely.


In order for the Consultant to fulfil this ToR, confidential documents will be made available for review. The Consultant will therefore be required to sign and abide by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that will be included with the formal contract.   


It is anticipated that the Assignment will be undertaken through the following tasks conducted separately in the two landscapes:

  • Task 1: Review of available documents and virtual kick-off meeting.
  • ​Task 2: Development of the stakeholder analysis and stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Task 3: Field visit(s) and engagement with stakeholders.
  • Task 4: Development of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
  • Task 5: Development of the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF).

Further details of the required tasks, the scope and guidance on content and proposed methodologies are provided in the TOR.

How to Apply

Proposals must be submitted by 18.00 CEST, Friday November 13th to:

Paolo RevellinoSenior Advisor, Environmental & Social SafeguardsWWF Internationalprevellino[at]wwfint.org Eric Parfait EssombaRegional Head, E&S Safeguards, Central and West AfricaWWF International eessomba[at]wwfint.org