Kenya: Baseline Evaluation for Modogashe Ending Chronic Hunger Integrated Project

Sep 5, 2020 | British Red Cross
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The British Red Cross Society is the United Kingdom body of the worldwide neutral and impartial humanitarian network the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Background Information

Kenya Red Cross through funding from British Red Cross is implementing a 19 Months project in Sericho, Isiolo County and Modogashe ward in Garissa County that aims at contributing to mitigation of Chronic Hunger, reduction of water related diseases and improve food security for the vulnerable communities in both wards. This will be implemented through improving access to water, hygiene, sanitation, encouraging uptake of appropriate livelihoods interventions and enhancing peace among the communities living in the two wards. The project implementation commenced in May 2020 and ends in December 2021.

The target community include boys, girls, men and women including people differently abled.

The anticipated changes over a 19-month period include:

  • Protection, strengthening and diversifying livelihoods and income options for target communities in Sericho and Modogashe wards in Isiolo & Garissa Counties respectively.
  • Increased awareness/understanding of health risks linked to unhygienic practices, resulting in behaviour change e.g. critical times for hand washing, safe disposal child faeces; knowledge of the causes/prevention of WASH-related diseases, safe water chain and open defecation (OD) contamination risks.
  • Increased use of rehabilitated/new water infrastructure, improved water quality, reduced collection distances; increased demand for/use of latrines, reduced OD and reduced contamination risks.
  • Enabled and strengthened communities, able to foster connections, engage and solicit support from local government in arrangements for on-going WASH operation and maintenance (O&M).
  • Reduce resource-based conflict and enhance cohesion among communities living in Sericho and Modogashe Wards in Isiolo and Garissa Counties.

Agricultural and livestock production and productivity are significantly constrained by the cyclic droughts whose frequency and severity have been worsening with time causing crop failure, dwindling pasture resources and livestock deaths resulting in severe food shortages and malnutrition (Isiolo & Garissa Climate Risk Profiles). Modagashe experiences many challenges that contribute to food insecurity including: - harsh climatic conditions, cyclic drought, floods, frequent conflicts, insecurity, high poverty levels, water stress, limited pasture for livestock, and limited livelihoods options among others. The inability to maintain food and nutrition security contributes to chronic hunger. Any solution needs to address a nutritionally diverse diet. The dimensions of food and nutrition security include; availability, accessibility, utilisation and stability, and meeting nutritional requirements. These counties have some of the worst nutrition and health indicators countrywide with a rising numbers of malnourished children evident. The project will address the following problems as identified during the detailed Livelihood, Water and peace assessments:

  1. Lack of climate adaptation by pastoralists. Communities in Isiolo largely depend on pastoralism as the main source of income but have not adopted practices to protect their livelihoods from the effects of climate change. As drought intensifies, communities are losing their livestock to starvation and disease. Pastoralists lack access to climate adaptation information, technical knowledge and veterinary services to withstand the changing environment. Lack of functional Early Warning Systems (EWS) and technical support also undermines appropriate drought risk management and response capacity.
  2. Poor livelihoods diversification: Communities (particularly women and youth) lack knowledge on how to engage in other productive activities. Only a few people practice trade, subsistence or seasonal agriculture. Local markets are poorly developed and lack infrastructure. Most producers lack skills and knowledge on marketing, sales or business management. During extensive drought men migrate for longer periods of time leaving women, girls and PWD with no alternative sources of income to meet their basic needs. Lack of diversified livelihoods leads to poverty (Isiolo 72.6%, Garissa [xxxx]) and food insecurity, affecting rates of Global Acute Malnutrition (Isiolo 13.8%, Garissa 13.7%) and levels of stunting (Isiolo 18%, Garissa 13%).
  3. Lack of county government and local capacity: the county government lacks capacity to support communities as needed. Local committees for water, savings and rangeland management are in place but lack information, resources and training to provide adequate support.
  4. Limited access to water and water management. The improved sanitation coverage is 22.8% Isiolo and 16.8 Garissa: The Open defecation is 44.2% Isiolo and 48.2% Garissa. Lack of water (Isiolo 65%, Garissa 76.2%) underpins many of the issues affecting the community, including livelihood opportunities, health and sanitation. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by the lack of water which limits their income generation (IGA) and education opportunities.

Summary of the evaluation

  • Purpose: The main aim of conducting this baseline survey is to provide statistically representative baseline values against key project indicators. Further document the circumstances that exist prior to implementation in the project target area to inform learning and future programming of WASH and resilience projects.
  • Partners: Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), British Red Cross (BRC) and County Governments of Garissa and Isiolo.
  • Duration: The Baseline Survey will be carried out by an independent consultant, and is expected to take 30-45 calendar days
  • Estimated Dates: 4th September to 15th October 2020
  • Geographical Location:   Garissa and Isiolo Counties
  • Target Population: Community members, school pupils and stakeholders of Modogashe ward in Garissa and Sericho in Isiolo County.
  • Deliverables: Inception report, presentation of preliminary findings, data sets, final evaluation report and summary power point presentation.
  • Methodology: This will include document review, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with key partner stakeholders; interviews with community members, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and observations, household surveys.
  • Evaluation Management Team: KRCS MEA&L, program team & donor representative

For complete details for bid requirements, please consult the full Terms of Reference at the link provided.

Baseline survey objectives


The main aim of conducting this baseline survey is to provide statistically representative baseline values against key project indicators as per the logical framework. This will avail a detailed reference document for assessing the project changes in future evaluations and for providing lessons learnt for future WASH programs in similar contexts and recommendations for future programme in the movement and wider sector.


The study will be guided by the following objectives:

  • To determine benchmark statistics for Ending Chronic Hunger Integrated project (WASH and Livelihood) indicators at household-level (through collection of primary and secondary data).
  • To collect information that will influence project design and ways of working – at household and community levels.
  • Realize key recommendations that will inform implementation of the project

*** Please consult the full Terms of Reference at link provided for complete details, such as Key Survey Questions, Survey Methodology, Outputs and Indicators, Evaluation Quality and Ethical Standards, Management of the Evaluation and Deliverables, and details for required Annexes for Applications. ***


Qualifications and Experience for Consultants

  • The lead consultant must have a background in social sciences, public health, water engineering or related field. (at a minimum of Master’s degree level)
  • Demonstrable experience in conducting high quality evaluations (baselines/endlines) for related projects in the past 3 years (sample reports will be required during the oral stage of bid analysis).
  • Experience of conducting field assessments/working in the targeted regions.
  • High level of professionalism and an ability to work independently under tight deadlines.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • The team must have a statistician able to analyse quantitative and qualitative data as well as key technical team members in to handle specific components of the project evaluation
  • Firm must have experience in using mobile phone technology for data collection.
  • The lead consultant must have strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports.
  • Availability for the period indicated.

Application Requirements

Application materials shall include:

  • A written response to this TOR in terms of a proposal detailing the technical understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the evaluation, expected activities and deliverables, proposed work plans with schedule, and financial bids. See Annex 1
  • Detailed CVs of all professional (s) who will work on the evaluation. If there is more than one contractor on the proposed evaluation team, please attach a table describing the level of effort (in number of days) of each team member in each of the evaluation activities. See Annex 3
  • Professional references: please provide at least three references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees (working and active email & phone number).

Submission of proposal

The Technical Proposal MUST be prepared in conformance to the outline provided in Annex 1 while the financial proposal shall conform to the template provided in Annex 2. Team composition should conform to Annex 3.

Bidders should provide softcopy technical and financial proposal in two separate folders clearly marked “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”. The subject of your email should be “Tender No. PRF07247 “Call for Consultancy for Ending Chronic Hunger Integrated Project”

The Proposal should be addressed as below and emailed to by 9th September 2020 at 11:00 AM.

Chairperson Tender Committee

Kenya Red Cross Society P.O Box 40712 - 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their representatives who choose to attend our online tender opening meeting on the same day at noon. Interested bidders to confirm participation on mail and thereafter we will share the Zoom link for the meeting.

The British Red Cross Society is the United Kingdom body of the worldwide neutral and impartial humanitarian network the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Background Information Kenya Red Cross through funding from British Red Cross is implementing a 19 Months project in Sericho, Isiolo County and Modogashe ward in Garissa County that aims at contributing to mitigation of Chronic Hunger, reduction of water related diseases and improve food security for the vulnerable communities in both wards. This will be implemented through improving access to water, hygiene, sanitation, encouraging uptake of appropriate livelihoods interventions and enhancing peace among the communities living in the two wards. The project implementation commenced in May 2020 and ends in December2021. The target community include boys, girls, men and women including people differently abled. The anticipated changes over a 19-month period include: ·       Protection, strengthening and diversifying livelihoods and income options for target communities in Sericho and Modogashe wards in Isiolo & Garissa Countiesrespectively.·       Increased awareness/understanding of health risks linked to unhygienic practices, resulting in behaviour change e.g. critical times for hand washing, safe disposal child faeces; knowledge of the causes/prevention of WASH-related diseases, safe water chain and open defecation (OD) contaminationrisks.·       Increased use of rehabilitated/new water infrastructure, improved water quality, reduced collection distances; increased demand for/use of latrines, reduced OD and reduced contaminationrisks.·       Enabled and strengthened communities, able to foster connections, engage and solicit support from local government in arrangements for on-going WASH operation and maintenance(O&M).·       Reduce resource-based conflict and enhance cohesion among communities living in Sericho and Modogashe Wards in Isiolo and GarissaCounties. Agricultural and livestock production and productivity are significantly constrained by the cyclic droughts whose frequency and severity have been worsening with time causing crop failure, dwindling pasture resources and livestock deaths resulting in severe food shortages and malnutrition (Isiolo & Garissa Climate Risk Profiles). Modagashe experiences many challenges that contribute to food insecurity including: - harsh climatic conditions, cyclic drought, floods, frequent conflicts, insecurity, high poverty levels, water stress, limited pasture for livestock, and limited livelihoods options among others. The inability to maintain food and nutrition security contributes to chronic hunger. Any solution needs to address a nutritionally diverse diet. The dimensions of food and nutrition security include; availability, accessibility, utilisation and stability, and meeting nutritional requirements. These counties have some of the worst nutrition and health indicators countrywide with a rising numbers of malnourished children evident. The project will address the following problems as identified during the detailed Livelihood, Water and peace assessments: a)   Lack of climate adaptation by pastoralists. Communities in Isiolo largely depend on pastoralism as the main source of income but have not adopted practices to protect their livelihoods from the effects of climate change. As drought intensifies, communities are losing their livestock to starvation and disease. Pastoralists lack access to climate adaptation information, technical knowledge and veterinary services to withstand the changing environment. Lack of functional Early Warning Systems (EWS) and technical support also undermines appropriate drought risk management and responsecapacity. b)   Poor livelihoods diversification: Communities (particularly women and youth) lack knowledge on how to engage in other productive activities. Only a few people practice trade, subsistence or seasonal agriculture. Local markets are poorly developed and lack infrastructure. Most producers lack skills and knowledge on marketing, sales or business management. During extensive drought men migrate for longer periods of time leaving women, girls and PWD with no alternative sources of income to meet their basic needs. Lack of diversified livelihoods leads to poverty (Isiolo 72.6%, Garissa [xxxx]) and food insecurity, affecting rates of Global Acute Malnutrition (Isiolo 13.8%, Garissa 13.7%) and levels of stunting (Isiolo 18%, Garissa13%). c)    Lack of county government and local capacity: the county government lacks capacity to support communities as needed. Local committees for water, savings and rangeland management are in place but lack information, resources and training to provide adequatesupport. d)  Limited access to water and water management. The improved sanitation coverage is 22.8% Isiolo and 16.8 Garissa: The Open defecation is 44.2% Isiolo and 48.2% Garissa. Lack of water (Isiolo 65%, Garissa 76.2%) underpins many of the issues affecting the community, including livelihood opportunities, health and sanitation. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by the lack of water which limits their income generation (IGA) and educationopportunities. Summary of the evaluation ·        Purpose: The main aim of conducting this baseline survey is to provide statistically representative baseline values against key project indicators. Further document the circumstances that exist prior to implementation in the project target area to inform learning and future programming of WASH and resilienceprojects.·        Partners: Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), British Red Cross (BRC) and County Governments of Garissa andIsiolo.·        Duration: The Baseline Survey will be carried out by an independent consultant, and is expected to take 30-45 calendardays·        Estimated Dates: 4th September to 15th October2020·        Geographical Location:   Garissa and IsioloCounties·        Target Population: Community members, school pupils and stakeholders of Modogashe ward in Garissa and Sericho in IsioloCounty.·        Deliverables: Inception report, presentation of preliminary findings, data sets, final evaluation report and summary power pointpresentation.·        Methodology: This will include document review, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with key partner stakeholders; interviews with community members, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and observations, householdsurveys.·        Evaluation Management Team: KRCS MEA&L, program team & donorrepresentative Please consult the full Terms of Reference for complete details for bids. Baseline survey objectives 



The main aim of conducting this baseline survey is to provide statistically representative baseline values against key project indicators as per the logical framework. This will avail a detailed reference document for assessing the project changes in future evaluations and for providing lessons learnt for future WASH programs in similar contexts and recommendations for future programme in the movement and widersector. 



The study will be guided by the following objectives: ·       To determine benchmark statistics for Ending Chronic Hunger Integrated project (WASH and Livelihood) indicators at household-level (through collection of primary and secondarydata).·       To collect information that will influence project design and ways of working – at household and community levels.·       Realize key recommendations that will inform implementation of theproject Please consult the full Terms of Reference for complete details, such as Key Survey Questions, Survey Methodology, Outputs and Indicators, Evaluation Quality and Ethical Standards, Management of the Evaluation and Deliverables, and details for required Annexes for Applications.  Qualifications and Experience for Consultants ·        The lead consultant must have a background in social sciences, public health, water engineering or related field. (at a minimum of Master’s degreelevel)·        Demonstrable experience in conducting high quality evaluations (baselines/endlines) for related projects in the past 3 years (sample reports will be required during the oral stage of bidanalysis).·        Experience of conducting field assessments/working in the targetedregions.·        High level of professionalism and an ability to work independently under tightdeadlines.·        Strong interpersonal and communicationskills·        The team must have a statistician able to analyse quantitative and qualitative data as well as key technical team members in to handle specific components of the projectevaluation·        Firm must have experience in using mobile phone technology for datacollection.·        Theleadconsultantmusthavestronganalyticalskillsandabilitytoclearlysynthesizeandpresentfindings,draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-writtenreports.·        Availability for the periodindicated. Application Requirements Application materials shall include: ·        A written response to this TOR in terms of a proposal detailing the technical understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the evaluation, expected activities and deliverables, proposed work plans with schedule, and financial bids. See Annex1·        Detailed CVs of all professional (s) who will work on the evaluation. If there is more than one contractor on the proposed evaluation team, please attach a table describing the level of effort (in number of days) of each team member in each of the evaluation activities. See Annex3·        Professional references: please provide at least three references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees (working and active email & phonenumber). Submission of proposal The Technical Proposal MUST be prepared in conformance to the outline provided in Annex 1 while the financial proposal shall conform to the template provided in Annex 2. Team composition should conform to Annex3Bidders should provide softcopy technical and financial proposal in two separate folders clearly marked “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”. The subject of your email should be “Tender No. PRF07247 “Call for Consultancy for Ending Chronic Hunger Integrated Project” The Proposal should be addressed as below and emailed to tenders@redcross.or.keby 9th September 2020 at 11:00 AM. 

Chairperson Tender Committee

Kenya Red Cross Society P.O Box 40712 - 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

 Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their representatives who choose to attend our online tender opening meeting on the same day at noon. Interested bidders to confirm participation on mail tenders@redcross.or.keand thereafter we will share the Zoom link for themeeting.