Iraq: Consultancy Evaluation WASH Iraq

Oct 10, 2018 | Terre des Hommes Foundation Child Relief
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Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) is the leading Swiss child relief agency. The Foundation has been helping children in need for over 50 years, defending their rights regardless of their race, creed or political affiliation. In over 35 countries, Tdh protects children against exploitation and violence, improves children’s and their mother’s health and responds to emergency in humanitarian crises.

Tdh is active in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq since October 2014. A fact finding assessment took place in October 2014 and was immediately followed by an emergency response in Dohuk governorate (Zakho district). After a first intervention in Dohuk governorate, Tdh launched a first assessment in Kirkuk Governorate in January 2015, which was followed by the implementation of a cash grant program and the opening of an office in Kirkuk town and in Erbil in June 2015 in order to intervene in areas less (un)covered by humanitarian aid.

Additional assessments have been carried out in Kirkuk, Anbar and Salah al Din governorates and led to the implementation of Wash, NFI distribution, CCCM, Child Protection and Education activities in the districts of Daquq, Tikrit, Baiji, Shirqat, Tal Afar and Anah. WASH activities are implemented and adapted to a changing context including water trucking for newly displaced persons, as well as water tank connection to city network and rehabilitation of water infrastructures. Sanitation activities have included waste management and hygiene promotion outreach.


Since 2015, Tdh has been implementing a multi-sector program to address the needs of the vulnerable population in protracted, often secondary/tertiary, displacement in out-of-camp settlements. With regards to WASH activities, transitioning from the height of emergency, the need is now for rehabilitation of public infrastructure including water treatment plants and water networks. Access to safe and sufficient water remains one of the priorities needs for conflict affected populations. Despite generally adequate Hygiene practices in Iraq, an integrated WASH approach in schools is needed, including hygiene promotion, as access to water and sanitation facilities is lacking in all assessed schools. Activities are implemented and adapted to a changing context including water trucking for newly displaced persons, as well as water tank connection to city network and rehabilitation of water infrastructures. Sanitation activities include waste management and hygiene promotion outreach. When required and when time allows, in-depth sector-specific tools are utilised to inform programming. WASH assessments are carried out on identified Water Treatment Plants that enable factors such as accurate technical assessment, water quality analysis, beneficiary reach (cost efficiency) and so forth.

As of August 2018, the ongoing WASH activities implemented in Iraq include:


WTP rehabilitation (4) - OFDA2/PF/ECHO3

Schools rehabilitation (2) - OFDA2 (additional 3 school rehabilitation projects starting soon under PF)

Waste management - OFDA2 and ECHO3

Water network rehabilitation (not yet started) - PF2


WTP rehabilitation (4) - OFDA2

schools rehabilitation (2) - OFDA2


Schools rehabilitation (6) - OFDA2

WTP (not yet started) - ECHO4

Tal Afar:

Water network rehabilitation - SDC2

Schools rehabilitation (15) - SDC2

Pumping station rehabilitation (2) - SDC2

Waste management - OFDA2

Moreover, Hygiene Promotion activities are implemented in all the bases.


The purpose of the evaluation of the WASH projects implemented since July 2015 is mainly formative, aiming at supporting learning based on current projects performance, identifying approaches, actions and tools which could be improved and adapted for the future projects. Through this evaluation, Tdh aims at fostering learning and ensuring that good practices, through the analysis of positive and negative impact of the intervention, lessons learned are analysed and incorporated in future programming.

The intended audience of the evaluation is the project implementing staff in the 5 field offices as well as the coordination team based in Erbil / Baghdad. On a second stance, the management / support team based in Lausanne, Tdh-HQ: Desks and WASH humanitarian expert, Logistic and Finance expert, Quality and Accountability unit will be also a key user group.

The evaluation will be useful to better define the WASH in emergency approach of Tdh. The existing model, policies and guidelines will be updated with the successes and the lessons learned from this evaluation. Not only Iraq intervention but all the existing and future Tdh’s interventions in emergency or humanitarian context will benefit from this evaluation.

Finally, recommendations derived from the final evaluation report will be incorporated in future proposals.


The performance of the project will be evaluated following the OECD-DAC criteria. The evaluator will mainly analyze the following questions:




  1. How well did Tdh involve project stakeholders (partners and beneficiaries) in all the steps of the project management (Desgin, planning, implementation, monitoring)?
  2. To what extent were the WASH facilities (latrines, improved water sources, hygiene facilities, waste management and water trucking and rehabilitation of the Water Treatment Plan (WTP)) established by Tdh adapted to the most vulnerable people’s needs among IDPs?


  1. Has the Hygiene Promotion intervention been effective with regards to the methodology, the content and the beneficiaries targeted by the action?
  2. How effective have been the multi sectorial actions such as Hygiene Promotion in CFS), or the support of the CCCM team on the beneficiary selection?
  3. Have the intended resultats (outcomes) of the projects been reached ?
  4. Has the water trucking activity responded in a timely manner to the needs of the targeted population, including the sufficient and efficient provision of access to safe water?


  1. How appropriate and efficient is the project monitoring and evaluation system to assess the outcomes and impact of WASH projects focusing on the water trucking and rehabilitation of the WTP activities? (i.e. self-assessments, regular observations, well-being survey, focus group discussions). How could the project design and M&E system be improved to ensure an optimal outcome and impact measurement?
  2. How efficient are project team set up and management modalities?
  3. How cost-effective were the projects assessed in this evaluation?


  1. How well has Tdh been coordinating with the sub-sectors WASH and Protection as well as with the Protection partners? What have been the effects of this coordination with regards to the achievement of the results?
  2. How were the local authorities involved?
  3. To what extent did the IM tools (database, GIS, flux of information developed been effective to to ensure smooth coordination between the different Tdh Thematic team and the other stakeholders (cluster, NGO etc)? What would be the main recommendations in terms of methods and tools


The consultant will be asked to submit the methodology of the evaluation, which will include bot not be limited to the following:

  • In-country briefings with Tdh Iraq team and regular feedback during the field work;
  • Desk review (project proposal, quarterly reports, monitoring plan, budget and narrative, articles, cluster’s documentation, chronogram, organizational chart and any other document produced in the frame of the project);
  • Observation of ongoing activities in the field bases;
  • Interviews of relevant stakeholders, including key staff (remotely if needed), partners, and beneficiaries.

The consultant will ensure that different methods will be combined, and the information triangulated. As much as possible, participatory methods will be used to involve project actors and staff, therefore ensuring optimal learning by the team and partners.

It will be the responsibility of the consultant to choose which WASH activity to visit in each base. It is highly recommended to differentiate as much as possible the activities to evaluate, in order to have a comprehensive vision of the projects implemented in each base.

The methodology described in these terms of reference is suggested as a proposition that will have to be reviewed and further elaborated by the consultant.

In order to facilitate the induction of the consultant and to activate existing knowledge of the Tdh Iraq team about the context, focal points and contributors are mobilized to support the consultant throughout the consultancy:

  • In Iraq:- main focal point: WASH Coordinator,

Contributors : Program Coordinator and MEAL Manager; if needed, other key

programme staff such as CP and CCCM coordinators can be involved;

  • In Switzerland – Main focal point: (Bruno Wash Expert)

Contributors, Desk, Humanitarian Thematics Experts, Monitoring and Evaluation advisor and WASH advisor.

Regular contacts with Tdh Evaluation Focal Points will be established during the duration of the evaluation work in order to share updates on the progress of the work. In case of difficulties, reorientation shall be considered during the course of the evaluation, but only after approval of Tdh.


The consultant will provide deliverables in a timely manner and in electronic format.

Essential deliverables required are:

  • Following desk review and briefings, and before the start of the fieldwork: The inception report, which will include:
    • the detailed methodology suggested, including the evaluation matrix highlighting how evaluation questions will be addressed
    • the draft data collection tools,
    • work plan, including the list of people and sites to be visited
    • the first results derived from the desk review, including risks and limitations analysis
  • An intermediate (draft final report) and the final evaluation report, which will include:     
    • An executive summary (max. 3-4 pages) focused on the methodology, the main evaluation questions, conclusions and relevant recommendations
    • A table of contents
    • A list of annexes, abbreviations, tables, figures, pictures, etc.
    • An introduction
    • The presentation of the methodology, scope and limitations
    • The findings of the evaluation including lessons learned
    • Detailed recommendations for the next projects including good practices
    • An evidence-based conclusion
    • Annexes (ToR, data collection tools, updated work plan and list of people interviewed)
    • A PowerPoint presentation

Reports must be provided in Word format and the report pages numbered. Reports must be written and submitted in English.

Results of this evaluation will be intended for the Tdh and for the donors.

Intellectual Property Rights

All documentation related to the Assignment (whether or not in the course of your duties) shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Charity.


The proposed evaluation consists of 19 working days including :

  • A maximum of 21 days of field visit (including 2 traveling days)
  • A minimum of 8 days for desk review and finalization of the report to be organized at the consultant’s convenience

The assignment should be carried out in a period of time to be defined with the consultant, ideally between the 8th of October and the 23rd of November 2018.

NB : Because of security concerns, the schedule could be subject to modifications or the access restrained.


The consultant (team) must have a strong background in the design, implementation and evaluation of humanitarian projects.

Others requirements are:

  • Knowledge of the Middle-East, especially the Iraqi context
  • Demonstrated previous experience in leading humanitarian evaluations, using a range of different evaluation methods (impact evaluation, process evaluation, et al.)
  • Expertise in project cycle management humanitarian project monitoring, and accountability issues
  • Experience in working in the emergency humanitarian sector, with a focus on the WASH sector
  • Expertise in Humanitarian standards
  • Strong conceptual and analytical thinking
  • Excellent communication and writing skills
  • Gender mixed team would be an asset
  • Excellent knowledge of French and English; Arabic would be a strong asset (a translator shall be provided if needed).


To be considered, the applicant must submit the following documentation:

  • A Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 to 4 pages highlighting work experience and qualifications relevant to this consultancy)
  • Methodological proposal highlighting understanding of the ToR, the context of the evaluation and the proposed approach to the evaluation tasks
  • A detailed quotation (in Excel format)
  • One sample evaluation report highlighting previous experience relevant to this evaluation
  • A criminal record as required for any staff in Tdh
  • Full contact details of at least two references from among recent clients

Please submit your application exclusively via email to Deadline for submissions is 15th of October 2018.

A Tdh team will be set up in order to review applications and successively the reports delivered by the selected consultant.


Tdh will provide the consultant with on-site transportation (including airport transfer to accommodation locally), accommodation, flight fare and translator if required.

Tdh team will provide support to the consultants in terms of :

  • Responding inquiries and questions about the task
  • Briefing about security conditions
  • Logistics: booking hotel, providing local transportation, facilitate contact with / gathering staff and people to be interview
  • Providing equipment / space needed for kick-off meeting and debriefing session
  • Providing internet access, printer and office furniture if needed
  • Providing translation if needed
  • Reviewing and commenting on deliverables (inception report, draft report)
  • Visa facilitation

The consultant will be responsible for:

  • Consulting Tdh for any inquiry / question
  • Ensuring that the consultant team is aware about security conditions as per Tdh briefing
  • Behave in a culturally, gender and child sensitive manner.
  • Abide by ethical principles when collecting data from beneficiaries, in particular from children and women (inform consent, confidentiality)
  • Develop the data collection tools, test them and review them upon Tdh recommendation
  • Prepare quality reports and deliver them as planned in the work plan and schedule.

All consultant team members are required to sign and abide by Tdh CSP (Child Safety Policy).

The consultant will be required to adhere to and follow Tdh administrative and logistical regulations and procedures.


Everyone is responsible for his/her own safety. Risks can be minimized with some caution and common sense by everyone. However, the Country Representative has responsibility for security rules. At any given time, all movements and activities outside Erbil must be endorsed by the mission and its security focal points for each sub-offices.

Visitors and all persons under Tdh contract (employees, trainees, volunteers, contractors, etc.) must comply with the standards and rules of security of the delegation. However, they must also adapt their way of being and acting according to the circumstances in order to maximize their own safety.

They should not rely entirely on the organization: security depends largely on the behaviour of each person. Everyone has an obligation to be consistently informed of the local security situation.

In reference to the country security SoPs and security plans for Kirkuk, Sherqat, Tal Afar and Anah, the evaluator and the evaluation’s team will be briefed at their arrival in Iraq and when deployed in the 4 Tdh sub offices.

The compliance with Tdh Iraq security rules is mandatory and expected for the entire duration of the evaluation and for every staff, national and expatriate involved in it.


Tdh will pay the consultant in two installments:

First installment (30 % of total fee) upon acceptance of the inception report,

Second installment (remaining % of the total fee) upon acceptance of the final report.