Sudanese Conflict and the Interest of Foreign Countries

Jun 8, 2014 | Pavel Gusterin, ArabInform
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Russia, which had an impact on the largest by territory African state, which was Sudan before the secession of South Sudan in 2011, lost its positions in the important, from economic perspective, region of Africa, which became an independent state - The Republic of South Sudan. In this direction Russia faces stiff competition, as the interest in the presence and impact on South Sudan is shown by many influential states.

Implemented with active lobbying and financial participation of the U.S. separation of South Sudan contributed to resolving of challenging economic problem of Washington: the conditions and opportunities to change the impact in Sudanese oil market to the detriment of the ruling here earlier China were created. However, taking in account political, financial and economic activity, which has been recently demonstrated by PRC, there is no complete confidence whether Washington will be be able to exploit the situation.