Myanmar: Booming Chinese Demand for Jade Fuels Armed Conflict and Entrenched Corruption in Myanmar

Oct 23, 2015 | Ron Gluckman, Forbes Asia
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Deals with Chinese companies financed modern equipment, and digging scaled up. So, too, did landslides and drug addiction among poor miners–many work, and die, scavenging for slivers of jade in dirt dumped by mining machines. In January at least 20 people were killed in one slide. Bribes are commonly paid to both the military and the KIA to operate in and move jade through contested territory, according to people FORBES ASIA spoke with and evidence outlined in Global Witness’ 128-page report, released today. Land grabs by cronies holding concessions have displaced thousands of people, it contends. Instead of financing greater development, the region’s mining wealth keeps most of the local population living in poverty and fear, the report concludes.