Post-Covid-19, Women and the Green Economy

Jun 12, 2021 | Lalita Panicker
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As we build back after Covid-19, the challenge of the climate crisis and its ecological, economic and social impact must be prioritised. There have been discussions on green jobs and businesses, clean energy sources, and sustainable agriculture. All of this is, of course, needed — but it must also be more inclusive.

Women are among the most affected by the climate crisis, and face relocation and displacement, loss of income and health deficiencies, among other adverse effects. But they have little voice in shaping the response to the crisis, nor are they considered an integral component of the transition that must be made to a green economy.

Agriculture will remain a key sector in the post-pandemic phase. As migrant workers who returned home in the wake of the second wave begin returning to cities in search of jobs, the burden of managing the land and sustaining farming will fall overwhelmingly on women. But they confront crippling disadvantages.