In Mozambique, Promoting Biodiversity Includes Greater Gender Equality

Jul 17, 2020 | Amanda Jerneck and Carmen Lahoz Rallo
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Increasing girls’ access to education and empowering women has become a core intervention area of the Mozambique Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) Portfolio, of which MozBio is part. Mozambique’s natural resources and its Conservation Areas, which cover 25% of the country, do not exist in isolation – they co-exist with communities. To achieve our environmental goals and have a lasting impact, there is a need to address interlinked dynamics of high illiteracy rates, low incomes, environmental degradation and gender inequality regarding access and use of natural resources.

To expand the ILM Portfolio’s gender responsiveness, a Gender Gap Analysis and Action Plan for the Portfolio was recently finalized. The plan aims to provide guidance on how natural resource management projects can address common manifestations of gender inequality that limit women ́s development, their potential to generate wealth for their families, communities and the economy as a whole and their participation in managing natural resources. Beside interventions to increase women’s participation in sustainable value chains, the plan places a strong emphasis on engaging men and boys and addressing gender inequality at a household level.