Global Environmental Change, Conflict, and Fragility - Discover the ECC Factbook

Oct 13, 2015 | adelphi
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The ECC Factbook, published by adelphi, is an interactive platform that analyses more than 100 conflicts related to climate and environmental change and security. Part of a broader platform on environment, conflict, and cooperation (ECC), the ECC Factbook aims to provide an easy entry point for gaining a deeper understanding of how environmental change and societal factors interact in producing situations of fragility and conflict, and what solutions exist to prevent and/or mitigate these conflicts. To this end, it combines case studies with infographics and data for analysis and comparison.

It is aimed at political decision-makers, academics, journalists and practitioners in the fields of international relations, peacebuilding, development policy and humanitarian aid, but also offers the general public an intuitive approach to these issues. The 7 benefits of this interactive platform are summarised here.

The ECC Factbook can be accessed at the following address:

About the project

The ECC Factbook was developed alongside A New Climate for Peace, an independent report commissioned by G7 governments that analyses the connection between climate risks and fragility and provides recommendations for foreign policy. It is available at