Call for Papers: The 2nd Annual Conflict Conference

Jul 7, 2014 | The University of Texas Project on Conflict Resolution
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The Conflict Conference (TCC) will hold its second annual conference at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) on April 10-11, 2015. TCC is a multidisciplinary annual conference promoting the study of conflict, conflict resolution, and peace making. We invite papers on any relevant topic, such as apologies, advocacy, dispute resolution, peace, negotiation, reconciliation, mediation, dialogue, restorative justice, conflict management, environmental disputes, and ethics.

The conference will be held Friday, April 10th, and Saturday, April 11th on the UT-Austin campus.

DEADLINE for submissions is December 10th, 2014. Notices of acceptance will be sent by January 31st, 2015.

We are soliciting two types of proposals.

1. Paper proposals must include the author's name and institutional affiliation, the title of the paper, and an abstract of no more than 150 words for the program. In addition, proposals must include a 600 word abstract without personal information. (Be as specific as you can in the extended abstract, even if your project is still gestating.) Documents must be attached to an email as a Word document. TCC welcomes submissions from students. Please indicate student status in all paper proposals.

2. Panel or workshop proposals. For these, please contact the organizers with your thoughts, and we will respond and work out the best way to proceed. In response to comments made at the 1st annual meeting, we encourage you to be creative, and we sincerely hope that the conference will be a meeting place to stimulate and refine our work on these topics.

Please send all proposals and inquiries to TCC at

Everyone is welcome, and we hope you come.