Call for Applications: HBS’s 9th MENA Regional Summer School 2023 - Jordan
May 1, 2023
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The Heinrich Böll Foundation, represented through its offices in Rabat, Tunis, Ramallah and Beirut, welcomes applicants from the MENA region to apply for the 9th Regional Summer School that will take place from 29 July to 05 August 2023 in Jordan, under the title “It’s More than Just Food: Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture towards Equitable and Justice-based Food Systems in the MENA Region”. The School aims to provide young professionals from civil society, youth and community initiatives, activists and researchers a space to exchange, debate and learn about the multiple dimensions of food systems, the water-energy-food nexus and community-supported sustainable agricultural practices towards food sovereignty. Through inputs, group work sessions and field trips, participants will learn about the different perspectives regarding achievements, progress, constraints and shortcomings of food systems in the MENA region.As the world’s population approaches 8 billion people, nearly double what it was in 1975, demand on food has naturally been on the rise. Although global food production has grown and even far exceeded what is needed, our current food systems fall short on achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 2 to “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”. In fact, the number of people suffering from hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity is constantly increasing, especially among the poorest and most vulnerable. According to the UN’s 2022 Sustainable Development Goals Report, as many as 828 million people suffered from hunger in 2021 and about 150 million more people suffered from hunger in 2020 compared to 2019. The report also reveals how 1 in 10 people worldwide suffer from hunger and 1 in 3 people (2.3 billion people) lacked regular access to adequate food. So why are our food systems failing us?Global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine-war, not to mention extreme natural and climate-induced disasters, have exposed the fragility of food systems and supply chains as they have resulted in food shortages and soaring food prices. This has driven many across the world to search for more sustainable, fair, inclusive and gender-just, efficient, and nutrition and health-based food systems. Many communities across the globe are now transforming food systems and exploring alternative economic models, as opposed to globalized free-trade markets, contributing to communities’ resilience and food sovereignty. They are also practicing localized and community-supported agroecological and other sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming methods. These models and practices will be explored in depth in hbs’ 9th Regional Summer School. The MENA is among the regions most riddled by food scarcity, malnutrition and poverty. In 2020, the region’s share of the world’s “acutely food insecure people” was 20%, which is disproportionately high considering it only accounts for 6% of the world’s population. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN estimated that in 2019, 55 million people in Arab States (13% of the population) are suffering from hunger, especially in conflict-riddled countries such as Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. This is particularly concentrated among refugees from Yemen and Syria. Additionally, nearly half the countries in the region have high to very high prevalence of stunting among children. At the same time, Arab states have the second highest rate of obesity and overweight after the Americas, which is also a serious health problem, but indicating the inequitable distribution of the region’s resources. Food systems and related policies have thus underperformed in the provision of adequate and healthy food for the region’s population and have resulted in increased dependency on imported goods, thus increasing vulnerability during disruptions to global food supply. As for food production in the region, the policies of governments have generally favored water and energy-intensive large-scale agricultural projects that are highly dependent on toxic agrochemicals and genetically modified seeds. All the while, they have neglected and failed to protect and support rural, traditional and small-scale farmers producing healthy and economically, culturally and socially accepted food that the region has depended on for millennia. Egypt’s Nile Delta and countries of the Fertile Crescent had historically been known for the production and export of agricultural produce, especially wheat and other essential crops. Today, the region is highly dependent on food imports, even for essential crops, putting it in a high vulnerability situation during international disruptions to supply.In recent decades, water scarcity has become a major challenge in the MENA region. According to most references, MENA countries make up the majority of the top 10 poorest countries in water resources, which is expected to be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. In this regard, agriculture currently accounts for ¼ of global greenhouse gas emissions causing global warming. This begs the question of how countries of the region can increase food production while properly managing the already scarce water supply. Similarly, while the heavy dependence on fossil fuel resources in the region persists, there have been many efforts to increase the share of clean renewable resources, so how can this transformation be inclusive, socially and economically fair for all, serve sustainable agricultural practices and help countries meet their climate commitment and ambitions. The Regional Summer School will explore the need for comprehensive integrated resources management through the water-energy-food nexus to achieve food sovereignty and sustainable food systems.On the other hand and in response to all these challenges in food systems, de-centralized and community supported agroecology and food sovereignty movements have been on the rise in the MENA region. They are joining international movements like La Via Campesina in calling for justice-based food systems, the protection of indigenous lands and small farming, and food sovereignty. Participants in the Summer School will get the opportunity to learn more about these movements and explore networking and alliance building at the regional level. They will also address ways to engage with governance bodies in their countries and promote for more inclusive and participatory decision-making on agriculture and food systems.THE REGIONAL SUMMER SCHOOLThe Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung organizes Regional Summer Schools to empower young change-makers and to spark debates on important current environmental issues. The Summer School will provide participants with interesting insights and different viewpoints from the region and offer an excellent platform for exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. The program promotes networking among civil society actors, researchers, and activists working in the fields of citizen participation and intervention in the urban space, local governance, sustainable development, climate action, gender and environment.Against this background, this year’s Summer School strives to develop a transdisciplinary socio-economic, environmental and political understanding of food systems in the MENA region. It aims to explore a collective approach, bringing together different perspectives and experiences to contribute to a regional debate and network towards food sovereignty and agoecology-oriented policies and practices.Moreover, the Summer School intends to address the topic of food systems from a governance lens as well as from the perspective of decentralized people-led actions, both of which are based on the principles of democratic participation, accountability, transparency, responsiveness, equity and inclusiveness. By doing so, hbs aims to address broader social, political, cultural and economic issues related to food systems that affect different social groups. One key dimension to understanding the complexity of food systems is gender. Accordingly, the Summer School will address the historical role of women’s involvement in agricultural production in the region and explore emancipatory models promoting for gender equality and gender-sensitive approaches to natural resource management and food production.The Regional Summer School will bring together 25 young professionals from civil society, academia and private sector from different countries of the MENA region in order to a) strengthen their capacities to engage in sustainable approaches and solutions for food system management, b) promote regional networking and allow for an exchange of experiences, and c) facilitate interdisciplinary learning experiences between stakeholders from different sectors and countries.The School offers an inclusive space where young professionals from different backgrounds can exchange and debate about food systems and its implications on humans and society. Food production will be the lens through which social and political patterns and dynamics in the MENA region will be analyzed. Believing that citizens are important drivers for change and the promotion of alternative models, a special focus will be given to community-supported initiatives, environmentally-friendly innovative solutions, cooperatives and environmental activist groups in order to lead and facilitate socio-economic and ecological transformations.
5) Movement Building & Governance
- A filled out Application Form;
- An up-to-date Curriculum Vita (CV);
- A Short Paper (2 pages maximum) focusing on a topic related to the overall theme of the Summer School and show the applicant’s knowledge/expertise in this field as well as his/her ability to work independently and creatively. To this end, the applicant should choose a topic from within the subject area and point out its relevance to his/her respective local or national context, e.g. by introducing an exemplary project, a current debate, etc. The paper can be written in the form of an essay or a short academic paper. Accepted languages are English and Arabic.