Call for Tenders: Environmental Peacebuilding

Jul 22, 2022 | forumZFD
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The Academy for Conflict Transformation, a department of the Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD), is looking for a facilitator to conduct an online training on the topic of “Environmental Peacebuilding” taking place in the last quarter of the year 2022.

The facilitator will be responsible for the conceptualization and implementation of the training, supported by and in agreement with the Academy’s team.

Course description

The training will be offered for a group of maximum 16 participants, all active in peacebuilding, who will come together to engage with the key aspects of environmental peacebuilding and exchange on their previous experience and current needs. After the course, participants should have accomplished the following learning objectives:

  • Participants understand what environmental peacebuilding means and can create the link between environment and conflict
  • They have developed a sensitivity to identifying environmental root causes of conflict due to e.g. climate change or resource extraction and considering environmental risks as conflict escalators
  • They know how to take into account principles of environmental peacebuilding when applying methods and tools in their specific working context
  • They have started to reflect in depth about a project they are working in and its implications on the environmental level
  • They have learned about best practice examples in environmental peacebuilding

Course Structure

The Academy proposes the following training structure, but remains open to suggestions from the facilitator(s):

  • Two weeks training
  • Two online sessions per week (4 hours per session)
  • 2–4 hours of self-paced learning (reflection, reading, videos, integration) per week

Learning Platform(s)

The online course will be conducted on the learning platform ILIAS. For the live sessions we use BigBlueButton. After a detailed briefing we expect the facilitator to be able to use these platforms independently. Additional software and platforms, such as interactive whiteboards or brainstorming tools, can be used and offered by the Academy if agreed to in advance.

Procedure and services of the customer and the principal

The work consists of the conceptualization of the online seminar, including putting together materials and designing the tasks and deliverables for participants to invest 2-4 hours weekly in the course. Additionally, it consists of the preparation and facilitation of the four live sessions, feedback to participants’ deliverables and contributions, as well as following the group’s learning process. One week after the end of the seminar, the facilitator sends a report (1-2 pages) to the Academy.

The content shall be prepared in collaboration with the educational consultant of the principal. Feedback loops and close cooperation with the Academy’s team to fine-tune the concept and the implementation of the training are expected. The Academy will create a user for the facilitator on the learning platform, which the facilitator shall update and use for the creation of an online course structure and adding material for the participants.

Requirements to apply

The following criteria have to be fulfilled:

  1. Substantial knowledge of the theories of the course subject, as well as hands-on experience on the topic
  2. Substantial experience as a trainer and/or in adult education in intercultural contexts
  3. Previous experience with online learning processes, dynamic and interactive online tools
  4. Strong communication skills, ability to recognize and respond to participants’ needs, willingness to implement constructive feedback
  5. Excellent skills of the course language (English)

Assessment procedure

Rating criteria


Qualification and experience

40 % 

Course Concept

- Form of concept

- Expertise

- Didactics

60 % 


The Academy offers a daily rate of 650€ (excl. VAT). This seminar implies four daily rates.*

* Remark: The Academy receives public funding and is therefore bound to an economic allocation of resources.

Submission of proposals

The proposals should include:

  • A short CV with a focus on qualifications/ educational background and work experience
  • A course concept including the following information:
    • Course overview (short description of the course and relevance of the topic for the field of peacebuilding)
    • Learning objectives
    • Methodology
    • Participants’ deliverables
    • Weekly content with a rough planning of the content of each session
  • A short motivational statement explaining your work approach, including information on availability

Please submit all documents in English.

ForumZFD looks forward to receiving your expression of interest by August 7th, 23:00 CEST.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact Hannah Würbel, consultant for online seminars (

In order to submit your application, send an email to with all the necessary documents and the subject “Proposal Training Trauma-sensitivity”.

Further information about our organization can be found on our website English information about our academy is provided under