EnPAx Launches Microsite on COVID-19 and Environmental Peacebuilding
May 19, 2020
Environmental Peacebuilding Association
Recognizing the many diverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on environmental peacebuilding and the environmental peacebuilding community, the Environmental Peacebuilding Association (EnPAx) is pleased to announce the launch of a new microsite (http://www.environmentalpeacebuilding.org/covid-19) dedicated to tracking and updating the impacts of COVID-19 on environmental peacebuilding dynamics and efforts around the world.
Conflict-affected countries are among the most vulnerable and will likely be the hardest hit by COVID-19. Accurate and reliable information on the impacts of COVID-19 on environmental peacebuilding is paramount now more than ever to helping communities and individuals work together to stay safe. The microsite will share research and developments as they becomes available on the intersections of peacebuilding, the environment, and COVID-19. The microsite will include news items, events (upcoming and past), announcements, library items, and blog posts on our site, and will be updated frequently.
EnPAx seeks your assistance. Please send us relevant analyses, events, news, and other items. We are also interested in new and creative ideas for ways in which you, as a member of our environmental peacebuilding community, would like to stay connected during the pandemic, as well as ideas for how we might improve the site (resources permitting). If you have any thoughts or ideas, we invite you to send an e-mail to association@environmentalpeacebuilding.org.