Seeking Active Members for the Education Interest Group
Apr 30, 2019
The Environmental Peacebuilding Association is excited to announce the development of an Education Interest Group. The Education Interest Group will promote collaborative work, networking, mentoring, and sharing knowledge and expertise around environmental peacebuilding education. Core aims of the Interest Group include the following:
- Creating a mechanism for the sharing of curriculum materials (including but not limited to course syllabi, readings, assignments, in-class exercises such as role-playing simulations, and experiential learning activities);
- Engaging the community of practice to better define educational needs, particularly in master’s education;
- Assessing the state of professional training materials, including toolkits, skills workshops, certifications, and online resources;
- Identifying and creating a clearinghouse for experiential education opportunities, including but not limited to travel-based courses, practicum education, study-abroad programs, and residential internships;
- Promoting scholarship on environmental peacebuilding teaching and learning; and
- Creating a clearinghouse for information on graduate education opportunities.
The Interest Group is open to all Association members interested in environmental peacebuilding education. If you are interested in joining the Education Interest Group, please contact