Free Flow: Reaching Water Security Through Cooperation

Publisher: UNESCO

Author(s): Jacqui Griffiths & Rebecca Lambert

Date: 2013

Topics: Cooperation, Governance, Renewable Resources

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Conceived on the occasion of the International Year of Water Cooperation, coordinated by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water, this joint publication by UNESCO and Tudor Rose was launched officially during the Budapest Water Summit in October 2013. Over 100 authors from more than 50 international institutions share their work in water management and cooperation at international, regional, national, municipal and local levels of activity in this publication. Their articles draw upon experiences from around the world and reflect how people are cooperating and changing their interaction with water to improve the sustainability of their development. ‘Water cooperation is about fighting poverty and hunger, and protecting the environment’ said Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO. ‘It is about saving children from disease. It is about allowing girls to go to school instead of walking kilometres to fetch water. It is about providing women and men with access to sanitation, wherever they live. Fundamentally, it is about peace, on the basis of dialogue between States and across regions. When we talk about water security, we are really talking about human rights and human dignity, about the sustainable development of all societies.’ The publication, and the real life experiences presented in its pages, bear testimony to our collective commitment to foster a lasting culture of cooperation among water practitioners, scientists and policymakers.