Green Planet Blues: Critical Perspectives on Global Environmental Politics
Publisher: Westview Press
Author(s): Ken Conca and Geoffrey D. Dabelko (eds.)
Date: 2014
Topics: Land, Livelihoods, Renewable Resources
This anthology examines paradigms of sustainability, environmental security, and ecological justice and how they illustrate the many ways environmental problems and their solutions are framed in contemporary international debates about climate, water, forests, toxics, energy, food, biodiversity, and other environmental challenges of the twenty-first century. Organized thematically, the selections offer a global scope. Seventeen new readings discuss climate justice, environmental peacebuilding, globalization, land grabs, corporate environmentalism, climate adaptation, gender, disaster risk, resilience, and the future of global environmental politics in the wake of the “Rio+20” global summit of 2012.
The book also includes a chapter highlighting the successful environmental peacemaking strategies advanced through the Good Water Neighbors project and identifies these programs as leading examples of how to successfully implement the concept of environmental peacebuilding and serve as an example for environmental security, reconciliation and peace in other regions of protracted conflict on our planet.