How the Effects of Climate Change are a Contributing Issue in the Escalation and Development of Food Insecurity and Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa

Publisher: Global Education Research Journal

Author(s): Joao Henrique Tavares

Date: 2017

Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Causes, Renewable Resources

Countries: Chad, Nigeria

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Many researches have recently discussed if there is a direct link between climate change and Terrorism while what really matters is to dialogue about climate change as a multiplier of threats, in order to avoid the depoliticisation of crises. To fight climate change, states must stop taking it as a mere environmental or climate problem. In reality, it is a cross-cutting and worldwide problem, as well as political, economic, and social. Instead of attempting to report the climate problem as such, we must try to take account of its impacts at different levels of society. The aim is to incorporate the climate parameter into all public strategies, in a diffuse way rather than by targeted procedures. In this way, the idea is to take climate change into account in a transversal approach, instead of doing it artificially by segregating it from other constraints.