Sudan's Deep State: How Insiders Violently Privatized Sudan's Wealth, and How to Respond
Publisher: Enough Project
Date: 2017
Topics: Conflict Causes, Extractive Resources, Governance, Livelihoods
Countries: Sudan
Sudan’s government is a violent kleptocracy, a system of misrule characterized by state capture and co-opted institutions, where a small ruling group maintains power indefinitely through various forms of corruption and violence. Throughout his reign, President Omar al-Bashir has overseen the entrenchment of systemic looting, widespread impunity, political repression, and state violence so that he and his inner circle can maintain absolute authority and continue looting the state. The result of this process, on the one hand, has been the amassment of fortunes for the president and a number of elites, enablers, and facilitators, and on the other hand crushing poverty and underdevelopment for most Sudanese people.