From Conflict to Illict: Mapping the Diamond Trade from Central African Republic to Cameroon
Publisher: Partnership Africa Canada
Author(s): Offah Obale
Date: 2016
Topics: Extractive Resources
Countries: Central African Republic
The Central African Republic (CAR) is the only source of traditionally defined conflict diamonds in the world today. Since May 2013, exports of its diamonds have been under international embargo by both the United Nations and the Kimberley Process (KP), the initiative that regulates the production and trade of rough diamonds.
CAR was suspended from the KP after a March 2013 coup d’état that sparked widespread civil unrest in the country. The coup was the inevitable outcome of years of political instability forged by a coalition of rebel groups, known as Séléka, who attacked the government and incrementally seized territory, including the strategic diamond-mining town of Bria. On March 24, 2013 Séléka captured the capital city of Bangui and overthrew the government, initiating a bitter internal conflict that continues to fester to this day.