Food Security Policies for Building Resilience to Conflict

Publisher: International Food Policy Research Institute

Author(s): Clemens Breisinger, Olivier Ecker, Jean-Francois Maystadt, Jean-Francois Trinh Tan, Perrihan Al-Riffai, Khalida Bouzar, Abdelkarim Sma, and Mohamed Abdelgadir

Date: 2015

Topics: Conflict Prevention, Livelihoods, Renewable Resources

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Given that resilience-enhancing food-security policies and programs are highly context specific, we have chosen four conflict-affected countries as case studies. One country is a lower-income country (Somalia) and three are lower-middle-income countries (Egypt, Sudan, and Yemen). Yemen and Egypt are examples of “complex emergencies”—that is, both countries have experienced a series of economic shocks that may have contributed to conflict. In those two cases, we focus on describing conflict’s impact on food security and present selected policy reform options. The other two countries (Sudan and Somalia) have been in conflict for many years. In those cases, we focus on the local-level causes of conflict and program-level interventions for enhancing conflict resilience.