Special Issue: Defense Spending, Natural Resources, and Conflict
Publisher: Defence and Peace Economics
Author(s): Hamid E. Alia
Date: 2015
Topics: Extractive Resources, Governance
This special edition is the product of the 16th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security, held at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, 21–22 June 2012. The conference was organized by the Department of Public Policy and Administration, American University in Cairo, Economists for Peace and Security (Egypt), Economists for Peace and Security (UK), Economists for Peace and Security (US), and the School of Global Affairs at the American University in Cairo. The conference addressed a trajectory of current issues pertaining to the region and across the globe, ranging from applied to theoretical. The conference participants are policy scientists and researchers from different academic institutions and parts of the world, including Egypt, the UK, Greece, the USA, Sweden, China, Turkey, Italy, Germany, South Africa, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, and Spain.