Peacebuilding, Women, and Land Rights [Infographic]

Publisher: Environmental Law Institute and United Nations Environment Programme

Author(s): ELI and UNEP

Date: 2015

Topics: Land

This infographic utilizes a pyramid shape to highlight the process of reforming land rights for women. Many post-conflict societies have a higher proportion of female-headed households due to the loss of mainly males in combat. This shifting power structure can help women attain land rights and other forms of land security as a part of the peacebuilding process. Once women of post-conflict societies are able to hold equal land rights as men, they can exercise this power politically, economically, and socially, all while infusing their communities with positive change.


This infographic was produced in collaboration with students from Dickinson College. 



Policy Brief #2: “Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,” Environmental Law Institute and the United Nations Environment Programme. 2013, p.1,3. Available at