Climate-Induced Stressors to Peace: A Review of Recent Literature

Publisher: Environmental Research Letters

Author(s): Ayyoob Sharifi, Dahlia Simangan, Chui Ying Lee, Sheryl Rose Reyes, Tarek Katramiz, Jairus Carmela Josol, Leticia Dos Muchangos, Hassan Virji, Shinji Kaneko, and Thea Kersti Tandog

Date: 2021

Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Causes, Governance, Livelihoods, Public Health

Countries: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Syrian Arab Republic

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Climate change is increasingly recognized as a threat to global peace and security. This paper intends to provide a better understanding of the nature of interactions between climate change and events that undermine peace through a systematic review of recent literature. It highlights major methodological approaches adopted in the literature, elaborates on the geographic focus of the research at the nexus of climate change and peace, and provides further information on how various climatic stressors, such as extreme temperature, floods, sea-level rise, storms, and water stress may be linked to different events that undermine peace (e.g. civil conflict, crime, intercommunal violence, interstate conflict, political conflict, and social conflict) through direct and indirect pathways.