Positive Peace and Environmental Sustainability: Local Evidence from Afghanistan and Nepal
Publisher: Environment and Security
Author(s): Dahlia Simangan, Srinjoy Bose, John Lee Candelaria, Florian Krampe, and Shinji Kaneko
Date: 2023
Topics: Climate Change, Governance, Renewable Resources
Countries: Afghanistan, Nepal
Climate and other forms of global environmental change are transforming the security landscape where peace and conflict manifest. Given that most studies on the relationship between peace and the environment focus on (the absence of) violent conflicts or negative peace, this study seeks to identify environmental security issues at the local or community levels using the concept of positive peace. A thematic analysis of focus group discussions from Afghanistan and Nepal, two countries with histories of violent conflict and vulnerable to climate change, reveals non-violent security issues that could undermine resilience to conflict and environmental change. In Afghanistan, local communities view poor water quality and inequitable water distribution as outstanding issues related to government inaction. In Nepal, local communities perceive threats of wild animals and agricultural problems as prominent issues linked to inadequate government support. These findings confirm the value of positive peace in illuminating and contextualizing the relationship between peace and environmental sustainability. This integrated framework can contribute to a more holistic approach toward climate security and environmental peacebuilding.