Conflict Prevention, Climate Change, and Why Ghana Matters Now
Publisher: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Author(s): Anastasia Strouboulis, Erol Yayboke, and Abigail Edwards
Date: 2023
Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Prevention, Cooperation, Economic Recovery, Extractive Resources, Land, Livelihoods, Programming, Renewable Resources
Countries: Ghana
Situated in coastal West Africa, Ghana is a country of more than 32 million people, well-known for its competitive elections and peaceful transition of political leadership. In a region beset by volatility in recent years, Ghana is regularly heralded for its relatively stable democracy and for its socioeconomic growth and security interventions; as such, it has been viewed as a reliable partner to other African nations, to Europe, and to the United States. Its government has consistently pursued policies promoting private-sector growth and foreign investment as well as strengthening public social services and welfare programs.