India's Lithium Resources Highlight Conflict Risks around Critical Minerals
Publisher: Center for Climate and Security
Author(s): Tom Ellison
Date: 2023
Topics: Conflict Causes, Dispute Resolution/Mediation, Extractive Resources, Governance, Peace and Security Operations, Renewable Resources
Countries: India, Pakistan
On February 9th, the Geological Survey of India announced it had discovered 5.9 million tons of lithium, a metal in high demand for electric vehicle batteries and other low-carbon energy technologies. Though the findings are preliminary, if borne out, the discovery would put India among the world’s top holders of lithium, with significant implications for India’s own electric vehicle (EV) deployment, environmental management, and energy independence. However, the potential reserves’ location in Jammu and Kashmir state—heavily militarized territory disputed by Pakistan—underscores the security challenges associated with critical mineral wealth. These challenges highlight the urgent need to prepare for the potential negative security repercussions of expanded mining in India and elsewhere, including via improved mining governance, new technologies, reduced lithium demand, and conflict resolution.