Connecting Peaces: TBCAs and the Integration of International, Social, and Ecological Peace
Publisher: International Journal on World Peace
Author(s): Elaine (Lan Yin) Hsiao, and Philippe Le Billon
Date: 2021
Topics: Conflict Prevention
Transboundary Conservation Areas (TBCAs), such as Parks for Peace, have been heralded for their potential to foster peaceful relations, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development. Yet, critics point out failings of TBCAs, including multiple conflicts between protected ecosystems, local communities, and neighboring governments. This essay suggests that TBCAs' failings result in part from a lack of connection between three intertwined types of peace: international peace between states, social peace within and between communities, and ecological peace between humans and the non-human. This calls for integrative approaches bringing about multi-scalar socioenvironmental peace, whereby each category of peace reinforces the others. These connected peaces are essential for just and positive peace, not only in TBCAs, but for the Whole Earth.