Governance of Land in the Sahel: Catalysing Human Security and Building Climate Resilience through Land Restoration [Video]
Publisher: Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Initiatives of Change, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Environmental Peacebuilding Association, and EverGreening
Author(s): Luc Gnacadja, Bouaré Bintou Founé Samaké, Ousmane Traoré, Oumar Sylla, Salima Mahamoudou, and Abasse Tougiani
Date: 2020
Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Prevention, Gender, Governance, Land, Livelihoods, Programming, Renewable Resources
Countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger
The purpose of the webinar was to explore the multi-dimensional links which unite good land management and the security of Sahelian populations, and to discuss the urgent need to confer to women and young people, often the driving forces of agricultural regions, the ability to manage land, thereby reducing the risks that that they are pulled into extremist groups. The webinar brought to the fore the key subject of governance, as nothing is possible without political will and policies stimulating and framing environmental action for security and peace.