Protecting Protected Areas in Bello: Learning from Institutional Design and Conflict Resilience in the Greater Virunga and Kidepo Landscapes

Publisher: Goettingen Journal of International Law

Author(s): Elaine (Lan Yin) Hsiao

Date: 2020

Topics: Conflict Prevention, Cooperation, Governance, Land, Peace Agreements, Renewable Resources

Countries: Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Uganda

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It has often been cited that major armed conflicts (>1,000 casualties) afflicted two-thirds  (23) of the world’s recognized biodiversity  hotspots between 1950 and 2000. In 2011, the International Law Commission (ILC) included in its  long-term work program Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict.  This  led  to  the  adoption  of  twenty-eight  Draft  Principles,  including  designation  of  protected  zones  where  attacks  against  the  environment  are  prohibited during armed conflict.3 Protected zone designations apply to places of  major  environmental  and  cultural  importance,  requiring  that  they  “[...]  shall be protected against any attack, as long as it does not contain a military objec t ive.”4Most research on armed conflict and protected areas has focused on impacts to wildlife and less on how to protect these natural habitats from the ravages of armed conflict.5This  article  highlights  some  of  the  gaps  in  the  ILC  Draft  Principles  towards  protecting  protected  zones  in  bello.  It uses  transboundary  protected  areas  (TBPAs)  formalized  through  multilateral  agreements  to  illustrate  challenges  on the ground. TBPAs are internationally designated “[...] protected areas that are  ecologically  connected  across  one  or  more  international  boundaries  [...]”  and  sometimes  even  established  for  their  promotion  of  peace  (i.e.,  Parks  for  Peace).6  There  is  little  legal  research  on  how  to  design  TBPA  agreements  for