Water Diplomacy: Facilitating Dialogues
Publisher: Stockholm International Water Institute
Author(s): Martina Klimes
Date: 2019
Topics: Conflict Prevention, Cooperation, Dispute Resolution/Mediation, Governance, Renewable Resources
Water diplomacy is an approach that enables a variety of stakeholders to assess ways to contribute to finding solutions for joint management of shared freshwater resources. It is a dynamic process that seeks to develop reasonable, sustainable and peaceful solutions to water management while promoting or informing cooperation and collaboration among riparian stakeholders.
Water diplomacy in conflict-affected regions offers dialogue entry points different to more traditional conflict management mechanisms. There is a continuous demand for knowledge about water diplomacy and, in particular, about the linkages between political and technical tracks. There is an urgent need to further integrate science, policy, and practical perspectives in multi-track water diplomacy processes to contribute to improved transboundary water cooperation necessary in conflict-affected regions.