The Narrative of Conflict Minerals: An Exploration of Sexual Gender-Based Violence and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Dodd-Frank Act in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
Publisher: Uppsala University
Author(s): Sara Engström
Date: 2017
Topics: Extractive Resources, Gender, Governance, Livelihoods, Protection and Access to Justice
Countries: Congo (DRC)
This thesis elaborates on a complex, multilayered gender perspective of mineral exports in the conflict of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The focus lies on the Dodd-Frank Act and its implications for sexual gender-based violence, both conflict and non-conflict related, as well as socioeconomic dimensions. The in-depth analysis of these factors indicates, that after the initiation of the well-intended Act, the occurrence of sexual gender-based violence has increased and socioeconomic situation for women have worsened. Possible reasons can be found in the sole focus on Western narratives and the neglect of local perspectives.