Environmental Mechanics: Re-imagining Post-conflict Environmental Assistance

Publisher: Toxic Remnants of War

Author(s): Doug Weir

Date: 2015

Topics: Governance, Programming, Weapons, Waste, and Pollution

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The overarching purpose of the report is to encourage more focused debate on what we consider to be key considerations for any future attempt to not only address the legacy of wartime environmental damage but also to establish and develop new behavioural norms to minimise harm. Some of the elements in this report have been suggested by others. Some build on existing practice. All have been influenced by our research and observations during the three years of the Toxic Remnants of War Project’s existence.


Where we have borrowed from others, our aim has been to try and add additional analysis to these pre-existing proposals in order to develop ideas further. Our objective throughout has been to encourage debate by being creative. This is not a list of demands for any future initiative. Instead the report is a vehicle through which to highlight topics that we believe should be addressed more fully by a range of stakeholders. We are deeply indebted to everyone with whom we have discussed these observations and ideas with during the last few years.