Removing Barriers to Peace and Reconciliation: Landmine and Ordnance Clearance in Cyprus

Publisher: UNDP

Date: 2012

Topics: Land, Peace and Security Operations, Renewable Resources, Weapons, Waste, and Pollution

Countries: Cyprus

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27,000 mines removed, 81 minefields cleared,15,000 mines still remaining on the island - What do these numbers mean? "Removing barriers to peace and reconciliation" jointly produced by UNDP, the European Commission and the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. Since 2004, UNDP has supported the removal of 27,000 landmines from the buffer zone and 81 minefields have been declared mine free, creating economic benefits as the land is returned to normal use, including for farming activities. Demining in Cyprus can be considered one of the most successful confidence building measures initiated and implemented by the two communities. But much more needs to be done, as more than 15,000 mines still remain on the island.