9th ICP International Summer Academy and Forum: Mediating Company-Community Conflicts

Jul 12, 2016 - Jul 16, 2016 | The Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
Caux (Montreux), Switzerland
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The 9th International Summer Academy and Forum 2016 offers its participants an overview of the problems that arise due to the impact of companies setting up in complex environments and how to address them through mediation and dialogue. These businesses have a direct impact on communities and their habitat therefore sometimes causing complex conflictive situations locally without the political or social infrastructure to address them. Due to the absence of these structures, resulting conflicts can often not be prevented or properly addressed. The situations include complaints in property rights, employment opportunities, protests about water use or environmental degradation. Reactions by the concerned communities may escalate rapidly, affect the companies’ reputation and lead to high costs due to loss of production and time invested to manage conflicts from the company’s side. Furthermore local communities have expectations towards the industry regarding the distribution of wealth or the socioeconomic development of their region. Companies have the potential to play an important role for development and stabilization in these complex environments, win-win solutions are possible and ICP would like to explore this venue.

In addition to the knowledge transfer and skills development (academy part), the event will also allow you connect with peers and experts, create networks and develop further your own activities and projects in the field (forum part). Benefit from our special early bird fee until 30th April.