Second Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference

Jun 27, 2015 | Kisii University
Kisii, Kenya

Particular topics of interest include: East and West in Energy, Water, Agriculture and Development, East and West, Urbanization and Rural Development, East and West, Peace, Conflict and Security issues, East and West and Exploitation of Resources in Africa, Environment, Climate Change and E-waste, Planning and management of natural resources, Corporate Social Responsibility, Interdisciplinary Research, Public Policy and Ecology, Environment and Development, Social and Economic Research, Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region, Conflict, War and Violence in Africa, Human Rights, Peace Education, Conflict management, Ethical Issues in Development, Leadership and Governance, Failed and near-failed states in Africa.

General conference theme: ““Africa: Looking East or West””

Conference Venue: Kisii University (KSU) Main Campus, Kisii Kenya
Sponsors: Kisii University and Kenya Studies and Scholars Association (KESSA)

The rise of China and India is creating tensions and anxiety in the global arena largely because of the new financial opportunities for Africa. African countries are said to be looking to the East with a lot of interest and excitement. Chinese leaders are regarded very highly in Africa, in ways that Western leaders were regarded few decades ago, because they come with goodies for African countries. The purpose of this conference on African and its relations with the East and West is to allow scholars to compare the experiences that the two regions have had in the development partnerships with Africa. Japan has been an older partner but China and India seem to have had greater ascendance in the past twenty years in their relations with Africa. Is the relation between African and Western countries changing due to new friendships with China? What benefits are African countries getting from their relation with China and India? These are the type of questions that papers are invited to explore.

Organized and hosted by the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor and other faculties at Kisii University, this 2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference will be held between June 24 to 27, 2015 at Kisii University Main Campus, Kisii, Kenya. Submission of abstracts: Send abstracts of between 250 and 500 words, including full contact details (title, name, address, email-address, and telephone) as well as institutional affiliation by March 30, 2015 to Prof. Maurice Amutabi at or

The deadline for submission of full papers is May 30, 2015. Most papers presented at the conference will be selected and published in edited volumes and journals affiliated to KSU. The conference will consist of ten colloquia organized along themes.

Registration fee payments to: Kenya Studies and Scholars Association (KESSA) or Kisii University (KSU) (Attn: 2nd Annual International Conference)
Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi, Convenor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Students Affairs), Kisii University,
P.O BOX 408-40200, Kisii, Kenya
Tel: + 254-058-30826
E-mail: or or